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Bullpen Logic

Bullpen players may be assigned shadow players or may be out of the match depending on the situation.

Updated over 7 months ago

The bullpen is where players wait when another full sized team cannot be formed.

Example: A match where the team size is 3. Every 3 players that opts into the match forms a team.

However, if 4 teams of 3 are formed (12 players) and 2 more players opt in, those 2 players are placed in the Bullpen until one more player opts in to form a 5th team.

48 hours before the match begins, TeeRival performs the Pairing Function which assigns players to teams and tee times. If there are players still in the bullpen at that point, the logic below dictates how the app assigns them to a team or keeps them in the bullpen.

When players remain in the bullpen (meaning they were not assigned shadow players to form a full size team, they may still play in the match. They are used to fill any open spots that are created through player cancellations.

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