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Group Match Timeframes

Summary of how TeeRival runs a Group Match

Updated over a year ago

When you are the commissioner of a group, keeping an eye on deadlines and how the app manages your group matches is very important.

Group Matches: The games your group plays week to week or day to day. A match is a single competition. A group can only have 1 match a day.

7-21 Days before the match

Commissioners setup the match in TeeRival. Once you know what tee times your group has reserved for the match, you can setup your game. TeeRival does not make tee times for you at the course, so you or the pro shop must do that just like you would if you were playing without TeeRival.

To see how to setup a group match, click here

Once you have setup the match, your group members will get a notification and can opt in or out of the match. This continues until 48 hours before the first tee time on match day.

48 Hours before the match (Pairings)

Exactly 2 days before the match, TeeRival will conduct the Pairings Function. Pairings consists of creating teams based on your Team Rotation settings and assigning teams to tee times.

Anyone in the "Registered" Tab of the Registrants screen will be in the game for sure. Those players in the bullpen will be assigned teams or told they are not in the match based on the bullpen logic.

Once pairings are complete, players will be assigned teams and a tee time and notified in their app. Bullpen players are notified if they are not in the game but may later be placed in the game if anyone cancels.

Cancellation Center (Post Pairings)

Once pairings have been made, if any player withdraws (using the app) Tee Rival will first replace those players with bullpen players if they are available.

Commissioners are notified of cancellations and will be provided the cancellation center to watch as TeeRival pairs bullpen players to the cancelled spots.

If no bullpen players are available, TeeRival will send messages to all players in the group that are not in the match asking if any are available to play. Anyone who opts in will be placed in the match with a team and commissioners will be notified and can review those changes in the cancellation center.

To learn more about the cancellation center, click here.

Tee Time (Day of Match)

Cancellation center options end 60 minutes before the first tee time. The system will assign shadow players to any open spots and the match is played. Scoring and wager summaries are available as the match is played but can be delayed if shadow players are on different holes.

Once all players have finished the round, the scoring summary is accurate.

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