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Group Text Invite

Invite players to join your group via text

Updated over 7 months ago

While players can always find your group in TeeRival by choosing the club you play at and being offered your group to join, sometimes it is easier if you send friends and players a direct invite.

This invite is meant to be sent via text, and you can send it to as many people as you want (add multiple recipients to the same text). Here is how:

First go to the settings page of you group and navigate to the "Send Group Invitation" button.

This will open a selection box on your phone and choose the "Messages" app. This will open a text message screen that looks like this:

You can enter as many recipients as you want or your text service will allow. When players get your text and click on the link, they are provided instructions on how to join your group below.

That is all you have to do, from there they will join your group by downloading the app and clicking join now. You will see them show up in your "Pending Members" screen and can accept them into the group.

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