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9 Point

The most popular 3 person game in the world.

Updated over 7 months ago

Playing with a group of 3 means most traditional games are not possible. But 9 Point fills that void with a competitive format and great action.

The game is simple. Every hole there are 9 points available between the 3 players. The points each player gets depends on what place (1st, 2nd, 3rd) the player achieves. Ties are important in 9 point as the players that tie split the points.

How the Points Can Be Split:

3 Pts | 3 Pts | 3 Pts = All players tie on the hole

5 Pts | 3 Pts | 1 Pt = Players finish 1st, 2nd, 3rd on the hole

4 Pts | 4 Pts | 1 Pt = 2 Players tie for best score, 3rd player gets last place

5 Pts | 2 Pts | 2 Pts = 1 Player has best score, other 2 players tie for 2nd & 3rd place

The Blitz

9 Pts | 0 Pts | 0 Pts = 1 Player wins hole by 2 shots over other players.

Variations & Presses

Presses are allowed in the game, and offers the Press/Repress format. If someone wants to press the wager, they must do so before the group tees off. Only players that are losing may press.

A press doubles the points for the hole, and only for that hole.

If a press is made, after the tee shots, any other player (other than the original press maker) may Repress. This doubles the points again. So the first press moves points from 9pts to 18pts. The repress moves the points from 18pts to 36pts.

There are a few match settings you can change for the game too. See those below.

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